Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fairy Mail Art

I did a few envelopes of mail art today as I had a stressful morningat the Dr's office where I sat with my 8 month old baby for two hours...why do they do that? If they are going to have me sit there and wait then make my appointment for two hours later! Do I need to come in at 9:30 if I don't even get called back into a room until 11, then in the room I wait another 30+ minutes?

Anyway, being creative helps me de-stress and gets my mood up. So as soon as I came home, I started playing with my art stuffs and the frustration melted away.

So here is what I created today...modeled on my new Corona Typewriter that I got as a Christmas gift this year. It just came in two weeks ago and I love it. I can't help imagining what it was used for, what kind of secrets it was made in 1937... so long ago... I wonder what stories it has hidden in it's history...maybe a long distance love affair, or letters to a brother at war, or an aspiring writer...who knows.

My new Corona typewriter

fairy mail art

more fairy mail art

this one is my favorite
I'm not sure who they are going to just yet but I hope whoever does get them in their mailbox loves them.  In the meantime I need to get back to my art journal soon as I've been neglecting it since NaNoWriMo.


  1. Hi. I saw your blog comment on goodmailday blog. I am interested in being mail art/penpals with you. Maybe we can share mail art and letters back and forth as a new friendship if your interested. A lot of the mail I have gotton, which isn't much :( but I would like to have someone to keep sharing mail art, letters, ideas, etc.. If you are interested, just email me if you want. I am 28 years old, married, 3 children, stay at home

  2. You're so talented! I love looking at mail art but have no talent for it myself. If I were to get one of your pieces, I would DEFINITELY treasure it!

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

    -- Amber (PisceanMama for the Gain Blog Readers swap on Swap-Bot)

    PS I have the same thoughts regarding older machines like your typewriter. The stories they could tell...

  3. I can totally empathize with you on your doctor/waiting situation. I had an appointment today, and had to wait over 2 hours to be seen. I actually overheard the receptionist tell the doctor that they purposefully overbooked appointments today. Complete insanity!

    Love your new typewriter!!

    eveyinorbit via gain blog readers swap

  4. love your mail art. maybe one day i will see them gracing my mail box :O)

    Gain Blog Readers and Comments - bluecrayons
